Experiments In Muscle Testing. 2nd Edition, Hardcover


Experiments in Muscle Testing is Book 1 of The Complete Muscle Testing Series by Leonard Carter. Structured around a teaching tool called THE HEALTH LADDER, it proposes a unified theory of health that examines parasites as the root causes of medical conditions and by extension, our susceptibility to viruses.

In simple, readable language, it presents us with a pathway to using advanced math and physics to generate frequencies that can eliminate parasites, collapse medical conditions and help us to regain our health and our way of life.

This understanding is arrived at via a muscle testing analysis of the human bioelectric field. This field is a fulcrum that will fundamentally influence our understanding of Truth in the world. It is the best way to develop an awareness of health, and by extension, to regain our personal and political freedoms.

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2nd Edition
Custom cloth cover with inset gold-embossed text
Includes: high-gloss dust jacket
Includes: special edition matching bookmark

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 3.8 × 16.5 × 24.2 cm


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