
Vitruvian Press is a publishing company specializing in muscle testing, biomedicine, health philosophy and consciousness-based literature. We were founded in Toronto in 2009 and we ship internationally. We are currently based out of Vancouver, Canada.

Established by Leonard Carter, author of THE EXPERIMENTS IN MUSCLE TESTING BLOG at MuscleTesting.com, our mission is to create a clearing where members of the reading public can have access to well-written, well-thought-out information about the New Science of Bioelectrodynamics and its implications on healthcare and longevity.

Unlike other publishing companies, we don’t apply for or receive government publishing grants. We are supported by our readers.

The New Science of Bioelectrodynamics

Bioelectrodynamics can be understood at a number of levels.

Biomechanical: this has to do with muscle testing as a motor skill and should not be confused with self-muscle testing, which is not accurate, or with truth testing, which is not verifiable.
Logical: based on the traditional scientific method, this has to do with the conceptual interpretation of biomechanical data from a muscle test. This is rooted in binary logic but more advanced applications require an extended form of truth functional logic.
Mathematical: this has to do extensively with a particular branch of chaos theory, formally known as infinite nonlinear dynamics. It pushes the boundaries of what is understood in the world of linear mathematics by addressing the question of infinite dynamicity in the functioning of nonlinear biological systems.
Biophysical: this has to do with the body’s production of an electric field, known as the bioelectric field which is a function of the cumulative electric charge of ion cycling in the cell membranes.
Electrodynamical: this has to do with applications in wave form physics that determine how external stimuli act upon the body’s bioelectric field.
Biopharmaceutical: this is concerned with the interaction between pharmaceuticals, the human body and parasites that the body hosts.
Parasite biological: this has to do with information about parasite biology and microbiology and its implications on immunology, health and wellness.
Immunological: this takes into account the body’s immune system response to internal factors such as parasites and the bacteria they excrete.
Bacteriological: this pertains to a well-known but poorly understood field where bacterial agents play a role in immunology, biophysics and biomechanics.

The New Science of Bioelectrodynamics, then, is the process of using biomechanics, via muscle testing, to draw binary-logical conclusions about aspects of biophysics and electrodynamics, reinforced by pharmaceutical data. This allows for advanced, truth functional logical conclusions about parasitology, immunology and bacteriology and a deeper understanding of their implications on health, wellness and longevity.

The interconnection between these disparate fields is expressed in the visually simple image of The Health Ladder, which is a guide to symptoms and their root causes.

A survey of this scientific terrain is presented in Leonard Carter’s book Experiments in Muscle Testing, and is further expanded in The Complete Muscle Testing Series.

Vitruvian Press Design Notes

Our logo is based on the popular da Vinci sketch known as Vitruvian Man. It was originally titled in Italian as ‘la scheme della proporzioni della corpo umano”, which translates as “the drawing of the proportions of the body of man”. There was a notion from Classical Civilization that the square and the circle were representative of a universal level of perfection. This was partly the basis for Plato’s Theory of Forms.

Da Vinci found satisfaction in the fact that when the arms of man were held at shoulder level, they fit neatly into a perfect square and when the arms and legs were extended as seen in the attached image, they fit neatly into a perfect circle.

An awareness of transcendental mathematical forms is intrinsic to understanding the implications of the branch of advanced mathematics known as infinite nonlinear dynamics on the New Science of Bioelectrodynamics and in this way, as in many other ways, DaVinci was 500 years ahead of this time.

Seen in this self portrait done in red chalk, Leonardo daVinci (1452-1519 AD) is one of the most famous polymaths in history, having attained an advanced knowledge of a number of fields including painting, anatomy, botany, biomechanics, mechanics, engineering, physics, music, history, geology, cartography, hydrodynamics, mathematics, geometry, astronomy and alchemy. With his contemporaries Michelangelo and Raphael, da Vinci’s life defined the period in history known as the High Renaissance and has contributed to the rise of the term renaissance man.

The term Vitruvian in Vitruvian Man refers to another figure in history, the Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (circa 90 to 20 BC), known simply as Vitruvius. Vitruvius served as military engineer under Julius Caesar, was an expert in ballistics and traveled all through the ancient world, most notably in Greece and North Africa where he became an admirer of Classical Greek architecture.

Vitruvius created a philosophy of architecture, summarized in his 10-book set De Architectura (on Architecture), written in Latin and dedicated to Octavian (Augustus) Caesar. A core concept in De Architectura is that architecture should be strong, useful and beautiful. This is expressed in Latin as Firmitas (strength), Utilitas (usefulness) and Venustas (beauty, of or having to do with Venus, the goddess of beauty and love). Firmitas, Utilitas et Venustas. We could all benefit from incorporating these concepts into the ways that we create our modern world, both in architecture and elsewhere.

For this reason, the sub-text of Vitruvian Press, our slogan, if you like, is Firmitas, Utilitas et Venustas. As with architecture, we feel that both fiction and non-fiction literature should be strong, useful and beautiful.

Finally, the background image on our web pages is from another da Vinci sketch, the adoration of the magi.

This sketch was a precursor to da Vinci’s painting by that same name, seen in the image below.

The story of the Adoration of the Magi (they are also known as kings, as in the Christmas carol We Three Kings) is the name traditionally given to the Nativity of Jesus where three kings are said to have followed a star in the night sky and been led to the manger where he was born. There, they are said to have given him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and recognized him to be their Messiah and worshiped him.

In a field as sophisticated as Bioelectrodynamics, we are preoccupied with universal truth, and at Vitruvian Press we strongly feel that science and spirituality do not need to be kept separate. What better truth to focus on than the transcendent? This is embedded in the pages of our website and in the lines of thought that inform our attempts to understand the Ultimate Reality. We could all do worse than to contemplate the Adoration of the Magi.